Obviously a permanent work in progress ^^ - nothing special here, mainly Open Source and permaculture stuff.
While at first glance, these two fields might seem opposite ("high-tech" vs "low-tech") - they are actually quite similar in their very roots: permactulture is to agriculture what open-source is to software.
Tired of Wordpress, moving back to the basics: home made html compiler \o/ : it's shit code, but it's (mostly) mine \o/! While migrating, I also heavily slashed on external dependencies and tracking \o/
I should probably prioritise new content ... While the site was originaly dedicated to posting pictures of my travels, this part won't be migrated!
The orange button in the lower right corner of the screen is a shortcut to the news/geek/permaculture/misc - in case you wondered.
For the nostalgic people, a screenshot of the old Wordpress site! (RIP)